All writings are copyright of the author and may not be used or reposted without permission.
Windsor Gardens Writers Group - 595 South Clinton Street - Denver, Colorado 80247
I was born in Germany (as my father was in the Air Force) in 1951. After six months there, we moved from place to place for awhile and lived in France when I was in the first and second grades. In 1959, we moved to Aurora, Colorado. I married in 1971, had a set of twins (lost my son a few hours after his birth) in 1972, and divorced in 1974. Then, while being a single mother for the next 16 years. I started college at age 33. My work history consists of working in residential treatment centers for at-risk youth, in a jail, a mental health center, and 14 years as a Word Processing Operator with the State of Colorado. I have two granddaughters, who are now 14 and 22. I took a hiatus from school for more than three years when my youngest granddaughter was born with cancer, and graduated at the age of 56 with a degree in Clinical Counseling, and opened my private counseling practice in 2008. My favorite hobby is photography. My work has been displayed publicly in many establishments over the years. One piece is now hanging in the office of a State representative, at the Capitol building in Denver. I also enjoy writing, singing, oil painting, theatre, gourmet cooking, hiking, jet-skiing, and auto racing (as a spectator now, but raced stock cars in the past). My long-term dream goal is to build and manage a Children’s Home for abused, neglected and abandoned children.