All writings are copyright of the author and may not be used or reposted without permission. 
Windsor Gardens Writers Group   -   595 South Clinton Street   -   Denver, Colorado 80247
Welcome to our Virtual Meeting Room, a safe, temporary place for us to share our weekly writings during the Corona Virus emergency that has our meeeting facilities closed down. 
Challenge for Monday, April 27, 2020 :  Jean Stene - Relative 
Human Hubris Virus, Back on Course?, by Eydie McDaniel
Everything is Relative,  by Liz Gibbons
Journeys, by Morri Namaste
In the End and in the Beginning, by Barbara Snyder
Eleanor, by Doris Thompson
Happy Earth Day, April 22, by Joan Mish
Trump and MacArthur Share Similar Traits, an editorial by Irv Sternberg
The Inspector, by Sophy Churches
It's Relatively Simple, by Jeanne Lee
An Amazing Heroine, by Kenita Gibbins
Relatively Speaking, by Marilynn Reeves
It's All Relative, by Cindy Peters